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乔治·卡林:又来了! (1978)

  • 别名:On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix / The Illustrated George Carlin
  • 豆瓣评分:  8
  • 导演: 马蒂·考纳尔
  • 演员: 乔治·卡林
  • 类型:喜剧 / 脱口秀
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国
  • 上映时间: 1978-09-08(美国)
  • 片长: 81分钟
  • 资源状态:
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乔治·卡林:又来了!原名:George Carlin Again!,又名On Location: George Carlin at Phoenix、The Illustrated George Carlin

This is George's second comedy special and he has new comedy and old comedy. A lot of it revolves around his "micro-world", which are the little things like objects on your body, little observations, pets, etc. He switches it up with a lot of new and old comedy which is refreshing, and it's shot on film in some part which is a change of pace. I enjoyed watching stuff I hadn't s...



无名可起 2023-04-26

内容还蛮充实的 表现力好强 语言分析好牛好牛 早期风格也很喜欢

和枕头关系一般 2021-11-26


行吟詩人001 2021-10-07


c7year 2020-07-17



解构语言 剖析荒谬 我们都知道 只是当时忘了笑

叮叮猫儿 2018-10-22

关于time的那段蛮可爱的 然后一句话新闻什么的107 Florida woman gave birth to a grown-up还有weatherman的the weather is gonna change on and off for a long time; list的**** **** **** **** cocksucker motherfucker ****哈哈**** means ****** love and life how did it get such a bad reputation coz We fucked it up

中雪君 2018-09-17


Persona 2018-04-10

和上一场差不多,这个更连贯一些,we fucked it up这一段真的好

草祭金风 2017-02-20

最后关于脏话的分析太强了,喜欢make ****,no kill这个梗,早期风格挺浮夸的,还没形成后来的暴躁老头形象。

moviejunkie 2010-03-16

70年代的Carlin还是插科打诨的小丑套路,显然还没形成后来的the old ****风格。最后有他第一任妻子Brenda谢幕,Brenda很漂亮。