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On the Exhale在线观看和下载

On the Exhale (2017)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: David Horn
  • 演员: 马琳·爱尔兰
  • 类型:剧情
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国
  • 片长: 未知
  • 资源状态:
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On the Exhale

When a random act of gun violence tears one single mother's world apart, she finds herself caught in the crosshairs of power lost and, very possibly, regained. Tony Award nominee Marin Ireland stars in this gripping new play by Martín Zimmerman. Tony Award nominee Leigh Silverman directed this 60-minute tour de force world premiere for Roundabout Theatre Company's Roundabout Un...

发布于2017年。由David Horn执导,并且由编剧Martin Zimmerman携幕后团队创作。集众多位马琳·爱尔兰等著名实力派明星加盟。