灿烂的她 热辣滚烫 孤注一掷 功夫熊猫4 学爸 第二十条 我经过风暴

投身风中 (2017)

  • 豆瓣评分:  9
  • 导演: 托马斯·里德尔斯海默
  • 演员: 安迪·高兹沃斯
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 英国
  • 上映时间: 2017-04-08(美国)
  • 片长: 93分钟
  • 资源状态:
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投身风中原名:Leaning Into the Wind: Andy Goldsworthy,

Sixteen years after the release of the ground-breaking film Rivers and Tides - Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time director Thomas Riedelsheimer has returned to work with the artist. Leaning into the Wind - Andy Goldsworthy follows Andy on his exploration of the layers of his world and the impact of the years on himself and his art. As Goldsworthy introduces his own body into th...






泰诺爱我 2024-01-28


纸躯 2023-08-24

他讲话和行走的状态,他的分享,还有他的作品,尤其是那件用落雪填满的树干裂缝的作品,都很打动我。想到了高地隐士的形容。artsy上有篇《关于Andy Goldsworthy教会你的事》,第二章:Embrace Discomfort,突然想到了这几个月我在做的雕塑系列,Minor Discomfort,感,同,身,受。

吴慢慢 2021-10-31

Rivers and Tides书写自然的力量,这部多了“人”的存在。随着艺术家年岁的增长,创作**录更像是他在寻找最后的灵魂居所,以天为盖,以地为席,隐匿于树林中,任流水冲刷。人类是自然的延伸,终将化作尘土。

山止 2021-05-31

他的真挚 他的融合 完全不认识 也足以爱上他 信任他

humensmoc 2021-02-17

People think that perhaps I should have such a deep understanding of nature,I just somehow,float and glide through it,effortlessly. And I fall,a lot. And trip over. Well,you know. I think learning to fall is important.

kronos 2020-11-26

In short, art is made in response to personal needs and demands. 做无用功的人,下雨时以身体作伞遮盖地面的人,自我的存在与这以外的不成比例,将自己交付给树,又在枝桠间痛苦挣扎的人,房间里的大树和巨石,从树里走出来又自然地融入人群,和风对抗然后投身在风里,并在悬空的瞬间里飞了起来💛

洪满 2020-06-22

Such a stunning, blissful and intensive mode of art-****** as being and becoming. Pure existential appreciation of and responses to being, and pure creation of existential poetry. The documentary has done decent and elegant work in its delivery. No **** words, it just leaves me speechless. Bravo bravo bravo.

遠濤 2018-03-24

这艺术家比我看见过的任何一位都要平实、不善言辞。有时他的作品似乎是一种amplified nature,在自然的页边上补白。又或是在城市的角落里留下稍纵即逝的印记。LandmarkTheatre@ Opera Plaza, SFO,吱吱叫的座椅上

Ultramarine 2018-03-20


Double 2018-03-18
