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Rubens: An Extra Large Story在线观看和下载

Rubens: An Extra Large Story (2015)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: Waldemar Januszczak
  • 演员: Waldemar Januszczak
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 英国
  • 上映时间: 2015-01-03
  • 片长: 1分钟
  • 资源状态:
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Rubens: An Extra Large Story

These days, nobody takes Rubens seriously. His vast and grandiose canvases, stuffed with wobbly mounds of female flesh, have little appeal for the modern gym-subscriber. And it's not just the bulging nudity we don't like. The entire tone of Rubens's art offends us. Everything in it is too big - the epic dramas full of tragedy, the fantastical celestial scenery, the immense canv...

发布于2015年。由Waldemar Januszczak执导,并且由编剧Waldemar Januszczak携幕后团队创作。集众多位Waldemar Januszczak等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-01-03公映的电影。

《Rubens: An Extra Large Story》评价

壳壳。给爷笑个 2020-12-30

Rubens: a happily married man and a super talented artist who is capable of doing a lot of things (including politics)瑞思拜

迷失的胖子 2020-10-12


GARGOYLE 2018-07-09

背景知识很有意思~Medici简直是文艺复兴的Guggenheim,Ruben多才技高又好玩儿。**官中画画最好的,画家中cosplay玩儿的最**的 &&默默mark一下Antwerp~

水货 2015-04-18


白乐直 2015-02-14
