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土豪前妻俱乐部 (2018)

  • 别名:百万富翁前妻俱乐部
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:传记
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 英国
  • 单集片长: 60分钟
  • 资源状态:
  • 更新时间:
八戒共享 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!






土豪前妻俱乐部原名:Millionaire's Ex-Wives Club,又名百万富翁前妻俱乐部

【纪录片.**前妻***.Millionaires.Ex-Wives.Club.2018】  伦敦,豪华之都,也是**之都。当卿卿我我转为反目成仇,别墅、豪车、庄园等等亿万家产必须分割,本片讲述**妻子争夺财产之战。



道眠 2024-02-18

alimonopoly让我发出了一点爆笑。实在get不到大家都夸奖的Lisa Tchenguiz。另一个当然,整个里面最迷人的是律师们,尤其是Diana Parker讲话和配饰太有智慧感了。

七喜丸子🍢 2020-05-13


清沟渠 2020-04-30


酥皮 2020-04-19


Elizabeth 2020-04-17

2020.4.17 “Money and happiness and love are three separate words. They do not come together very soon.” In divorce proceedings, there are no winners except lawyers.

叽里咕噜 2020-02-20

How love can turn to hate do quickly? People can be not happy even with a large sum of money. Congratulations on Lisa, for she’s being herself the whole time. Machelle will continue to be miserable for she’s chasing a phantom.

🍎 2020-01-16

"Money and happiness and love are three separate words. They do not come together very often." So ugly so true.

Resurge. 2019-07-17

"Money and happiness and love are three separate words. They do not come together very often."

劝分侠 2019-05-21


糯米团子是好物 2019-01-05

Divorce lawyers are the only winners.